Lawn Care Tips

The Benefits of Earthworms and Organic Nitrogen

Why you should apply Earthworms to your lawn

Earthworms work as natural aerators by increasing the amount of air and water that gets into the soil. This improves the overall soil structure and loosens the soil for better root growth. They break down organic matter, such as leaves and grass, into things that plants can use. Earthworms maintain the fertility of the soil and therefor, play a big key role in sustainability. They also increase litter decomposition, soil organic matter dynamics, nutrient cycles, promote plant growth, provide better drainage, reduce thatch build up and reduce some soil-borne diseases.

How do Earthworms make soil fertile?

As earthworms move through soil and decaying organic matter, they ingest and aerate depositing castings as they go. These castings are a very valuable type of fertilizer. These castings contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Their casts also contain microorganisms which increase in abundance as organic matter is digested in their intestines. Earthworm casts along with binding agents released by earthworms also improve soil structure and increase aggregate stability, it's these microbes which play a major role in determining soil fertility.

What are the benefits of Organic Nitrogen?

Organic Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for leaf growth by encouraging the production of chlorophyll, which causes the growth for a better and stronger root system. This is what gives grass its vibrant color and helps the blades to grow straight and strong. Organic Nitrogen also winterizes the lawn, and it's sterilized so it has no smell.

How Organic Nitrogen benefit Earthworms

Organic Nitrogen is meant for earthworms, it is their food. They need soil rich in organic material and nitrogen. Earthworms also play an important role in the nitrogen cycle in soil. The earthworms aid in the decomposition of organic material, this of course results in improved overall soil structure, plant growth, and reduced thatch buildup in lawns.

When should I apply Organic Nitrogen?

Most lawns do need to have some nitrogen added annually in order to insure proper growth and resistance to pests. However typically, nitrogen should be applied in mid to late fall once the top growth of cool season grasses begin to stop. Generally mid October to late November. In preparation for winter dormancy, your lawn will respond to the organic nitrogen application by taking in the nitrogen and storing it over the winter. The lawn will then use the stored nitrogen in early spring while coming out of dormancy. This is what gives you a good and nice head start in the spring.

Signs of Nitrogen Deficiency

Lawns deprived of nitrogen show the following symptoms:

•   Slow growth
•   Thinner lawn
•   Increased weed growth
•   Dead patches of grass
•   Yellowish or pale green blades
•   Increased risk of disease

If you are noticing any of these signs, please call us today at 817-928-5296, and get your Granular Organic Nitrogen and Earthworm applications added to your services! Get ahead and make sure your lawn is treated with the best care for a nice, lush green lawn when spring comes!